Thursday, October 05, 2006

Lazy Days of Fall

Today we went to take advantage of the last few days of nice weather before the rain sets in. Josie has had a bit of a runny nose so I haven't wanted to put her in day care at the gym. So I have been itching to get out of the house myself. I actually think her nose is running due to the molars coming in but given the time of year it is I dont' want to freak out anyone at the gym. I loaded them up and walked down to the post office, then on the bakery for a special treat for the kids - then on to a field. So here are some fun pics of John and Josie running around at a nearby field.

This is the Little House on the priarie picture. You know in the opening scene the little girl falls in the field. OK, I am old I know! But isn't she adorable!

John ran all the way across the field (probably about a football field length) - to pick an apple. He was so excitted to show me the apple. It was great excersize too. He ran down there atleast 4 times! He is now on the couch resting! woo hoo.


Kenzie said...

Such sweet kids! I miss you guys! I'll have to message you to let you know what's going on in the next month :)

Unknown said...

Great pics Em! I totally remember little house on the Prairie! Can't bellieve how big the kids are getting! So cute!