Monday, October 30, 2006

We made cookies!

I thought it would be fun on Friday to make cookies. So I made the first batch of the no bake cookies then moved on to the sugar cookies. I hadn't made sugar cookies in so long that I forgot the batter had to go into the fridge for a while, or overnight. So on Sat Grandma Mary was over and helped us finish the sugar cookies!

Josies had lots of fun, smearing the flour all over the counter. I gave her, her own pile of dough and she had lots of fun.

John did a great job of rolling out the dough. He would then push the cookie cutters to make the shapes.

Grandma or Grammy as Josie now says was a big help keeping the cookes going! Mom got tired of cookies half way through, so Grandma stepped up and decorated them for us!

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