I must admit when I read Marcie's 100 post, I was kind of bummed, I thought I was soo addicted to blogging. Yet Marcie beat me to 100! Way to go Marcie! Anyway here is my 100 post. The funny thing is I don't know what to write about.
We have changed churches, and the change was hard, and yes I miss our friends and seeing them on Sundays, but I am happy to be where we are! I am enjoying getting to know new people. We still see and talk to our friends. I have never understood why people don't talk to one another if they go to different churches. That is just silly, a friend is a friend. No matter what they might go through or where they might move, they are still a friend. Friends will meet you where you are at, they will not talk behind your back, they will not cause strife on your behalf, they are a friend tried and true. Always there, always happy to lend an ear or a helping hand. I know I have tried to be a great friend, and I hope my friends see that too!
John is doing well with his potty training. He has number one down , with few if any accidents in the last few days. #2, well we don't quite have that YET! But he gets the concept, but not the exact action required! So I am sure soon he will get #2 as well.
Today I took the kids to Flaming Geyser state park. It has beena few years since I have been there. We didn't go see the Geyser, maybe we will go back and see it next week. There are big fields to play in, and the kids had lots of fun.
Josie is climbing machine and climbing on everything, so I must go take her off the changing table!