Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Letter

We recently got a letter from someone that we have been helping. I won't say who it was so they have their privacy. But I will say this, sometimes we help people and we never hear from them again, sometimes we help people and we keep trying and trying and trying but they never get better. No matter what we think when we help someone it doesn't really matter, because well, we have done our part. We've helped, and no matter how many times they may or may not come back isn't up to us. So if someone knocks at our door we open it with open arms.

Here is the letter....

Today; being my fourth day of stay in this, my voluntary incarceration for crimes of the soul, transgressions against my fellow man, and willful disobedience of God - I wanted to say Thank you! Thank you for becoming a part of my life when it was needed the very most. Thank you for opening the doors to your home and the windows of your heart at a time when, by and by, I was lost and cold...wandering my nights and finding myself closer and closer to death - in one way or another. The sun has begun to shine brighter and the days become full again. I sleep now. You have brought my to a point at which I am able to myself in a clearer light... You have brought me to a time in which I have began to wonder. I only pray that I will have the direction to ask the right questions - and that I am able to hear the answers. . . . . Yes, to you, and all those dear to you - I say thank you!

Yours in faith, hope and love,

This letter makes me smile in my soul. It gives me great hope and joy, it helps to keep going to keep reaching out and touching lives. To never grow weary in doing good works.
Derrick and I have housed and helped over 26 people in the past 6 years. We have had both truimphs and great disappointments, in doing so. It is always a journey. It is something like this letter that gives me even more passion and compassion to keep going.

Have a great day - - - - JOY is in this place!


The Riley's said...

Its alway great to shine Gods light on someone elses road! You and Derrick are incredible people. I don't think I've met a more patient couple. You both have been there for us through so much. I am glad God brought us together as friends. We love you! Julia

Unknown said...

Em, that letter is great. You and Derrick really have done so much for so many people in the past and I know that God sees it and is very happy with you. Thank you for doing the things that most people won't. I admire that in you.

Cagle Clan said...

Great job guys!