Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Are you great?
The other day I heard a message about this, greatness. The question is are you great in all you do? Well in the first thought you would probably answer no, I fall short sometimes, I need more of this, more of that in my life.... however to truly answer the question dives you deeper into yourself, the way you view yourself. Are you great? Well yes I am, I am capable of anything. I can do all things. I am a great mother, I am a great wife, I am a great housekeeper, I am fantastically great at what I do! As soon as you set your eyes on the positive things, you can focus on them instead of focusing on the negative things, look to what you do right. I am a grat mom! Funny enough this is the same type of thinking that the event coordinators tought us at the triathlon. You call it your mantra... what you say to yourself when you are running out of steam and want to quit. I am a terrific swimmer, bicyclist, runner! What ever part of the course you are on, you tell your self that you are a great athlete in that event. The great thing is it works! When you tell yourself I can do this... well you can and you do what you say. I personally used this through labor... I had to tell myself outloud that I could do this. The nurse actually commented to me about it, " oh isn't that cute, you are saying you can do this" I didn't care what it looked like I had to get through something significant. So there you go, thoughts for the day. If you are going through a trial, you can get through it you are a man or a woman of God, and you will percevier. Someone spreading ruomors? You are a man or woman of God and your light will shine through! Focus on the positive! I am great!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
It was 10 years ago today that.....
Ten years ago today - I met Derrick! Truly it is a lovely story. I went out to go get drunk, sang lots of Kareoke.... that is a great combo really! That is where Derrick walked up to me and kissed me! The rest as they say is history.
A Week after I met Derrick his father died. Let's just say that accelerated our relationship. I found myself looking at this guy in my apartment, that answered a phone call and just fell to the ground... (it is then he heard the news about his dad) not the best way to start out a relationship. To add to the fun my Thunderbird blew a water pump on the way from the funeral home, to the grave sight. We were the last car in the line, so no one knew what had happened. They started the funeral then realized Derrick wasn't there - so they waited form him to get there. This guy that I had just met was riding in my car ( one of Derrick's friends) - he jumped out and got a ride back to the funeral home - got his car then picked up Derrick and went to the funeral. This friend turned out to be Kurt. Glad you were in the car Kurt, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten to the funeral at all.
But here we are 10 years later. (Married 7 years - - October 9, -- 1999) Hard to believe that in going out drinking I met my man. lol oh the days of our youth! Just glad we made it out alive!
So here's to you babe - thanks for making that bold move!
A Week after I met Derrick his father died. Let's just say that accelerated our relationship. I found myself looking at this guy in my apartment, that answered a phone call and just fell to the ground... (it is then he heard the news about his dad) not the best way to start out a relationship. To add to the fun my Thunderbird blew a water pump on the way from the funeral home, to the grave sight. We were the last car in the line, so no one knew what had happened. They started the funeral then realized Derrick wasn't there - so they waited form him to get there. This guy that I had just met was riding in my car ( one of Derrick's friends) - he jumped out and got a ride back to the funeral home - got his car then picked up Derrick and went to the funeral. This friend turned out to be Kurt. Glad you were in the car Kurt, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten to the funeral at all.
But here we are 10 years later. (Married 7 years - - October 9, -- 1999) Hard to believe that in going out drinking I met my man. lol oh the days of our youth! Just glad we made it out alive!
So here's to you babe - thanks for making that bold move!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
daddy ok!

Everyday people's lives change forever. Some people find out they have cancer, others a heart attack and some are stroke victims. My thought today was just how fortunate I feel about the situation with Derrick. Many people don't survive strokes, or they are never able to talk after a stroke. By the grace of God Derrick was healed. I am just so greatful for that. It is beyond overwheling to wrap your brain around what happened. I am so thankful to have my husband back at work, to watch him every night play with the kids. To wrestle with John, to teach him to be a fighter. Our son John remembers what happened. If we talk about it, he will chime in and say things too. That is hard. I want John to just be a kid, and yet he has already seen something devestating in our lives at such a young age. Yet, he also know that daddy is ok, so that is what I focus in on. I talk to him about what he remembers, which is mainly daddy on the couch, daddy was hurt. The fireman took daddy in the airplane (helicopter) and helped daddy. Then they took him to the best doctors. I want him to know that Doctors are wonderful and they helped to save daddy. But I also want him to remember and know that God healed daddy. Daddy is walking and here today because God healed dad. He will often ask me, "daddy ok, mommy?" Kind of out of the blue. If I ask him why he asks that he says "daddy on the couch mommy". So whenever he asks if daddy is ok, I immediately respond and tell him that daddy is ok, remember God healed daddy when he was hurt. God healed daddy he repeats. It is just amazing that at such a young age children are so aware of the circumstances around them.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Life Lessons
The other day on the radio I heard a commercial for a new book out about parenting. I heard two commercials from this book. Each commercial I listened to I thought, "Give me break" that is the really stupid. Then Derrick and I were headed to church and he heard one of the radio commercials too. All's I said was, did you hear that? He said that is the stupidest thing I have heard, we are not buying that book! It made me laugh because when I heard the commercials at first, I thought they were dumb and not on target, but I thought maybe I was just over reacting. Then to hear Derrick say that too, well it just made me smile. I won't get into what the book is called. But I will tell you it is all over the radio as new teaching material for your kids. In the commercial that Derrick heard the author talks about how life is not fair. True life is not fair. He then explains that children have different bed times, and the child with the earlier bedtime may ask why are they going to bed earlier then the other child? The answer is well that life is not always fair. OK, to me he could stop at that answer but no, he thn goes on to explain to the children that life is not fair, and how last night 30,000 children died last night because they were born in the wrong country. See life is not fair. Hold up - this is how you choose to teach people about parenting? Relate going to bed, with children dying? Who is this person? I just have to say - please before you go purchase things, please think about the type of things the person is saying, not just they are a backed by a "family friendly radio station" . I won't even get into the other commercial, because it so irritates me, and I know it is a popular thing to say to your kids rigt now.... just know that God is in us, and if God is in us and in your children well then God wants good things for your kids. To think differently is just silly. I am irritated with this author, but I am also finding it comical that he would be endorsed so widely. Any way - just some thoughts from me. Use your own judgement when it comes to your kids, you dont' need to frighten children into learning about life. Life can have its good and bad and ugly things with out us running in and scaring our children with "lessons". Let kids be kids, don't argue in front of them, let them figure out the world around them in due time. For now let them play and have fun.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Need a pick me up for the day?
This is a repost of the miracle that took place July 7, 2006. I have been thinking about just how awesome this truly is.... really this could be a chapter in the bible... some of you know what Derrick and I have been through, all the truly tragic things that have made us who we are today... who else do you know that has had a heartattack at age 24, cancer at age 30 and a stroke at age 33... well Derrick has. Walking, talking, breathing testiment to who God is... Seek first the Kingodom and all else shall be added unto you. Ontop of all those things our daughter was born with two tumors, one that made it difficult for her to breathe - 10 days after being home from the hospital with our daughter... our (rental) home burned down. We rose form the ashes and stand tall today. I am happy that we chose to build our foundation on a rock, not quick sand like it may seem at times. God is good all the time, know matter the circumstance he is always there for us.
I am reposting this - so that you can see God's miracles still take place today!
Believe what you will about God. I will tell you that God is as real today as he was when the bible was written. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. With that said I will say either you believe that God is real or you don't. But if you believe that God is real then you believe that Jesus was the Son of God who came to earth and then died on the cross for our sins, he was risen from the dead and now sits on the right hand of our Father (God).
With that said I will tell you what occured today in our lives.
Derrick was in the hospital bed, pastor Jimmy, and a friend of ours Greg began to pray over Derrick. I don't know how long into praying it was but Derrick began to shake uncontrollably. Both sides of his body. His right and left arms and his right and left leg. Derrick said to us my arm is burning, it is hot. We kept praying. Again not sure how long it was, but I looked up at Derrick and his hand was raised up he was holding it up on his own. He couldn't do that earlier in the day. We kept praying and thanking God for Derrick's strength to return. Derrick kept shaking, and shaking. He told us he could feel his arm, really feel his arm it was not numb. We then all began to focus on Derrick's leg. Thanking God for the circulation to return, thanking God for full strength. He then bent his knee up! Again he could not do this earlier in the day!!! Kept thanking God and thanking God asking for full strength. When we stopped praying Derrick scooted himself up by his left leg, the one he couldn't feel earlier in the day. He now can feel his arm and leg! He was physically exhausted after this happened. Jimmy and Greg left, and Derrick rested for about a half hour. About an hour after we had all prayed Derrick was suppose to go to physical therapy for the second time today. He stood up and sat in a chair and waited for the physical therapist. When they came into the room. He asked Derrick some questions and just kind of looked at him, in disbelief. After having Derrick move his left arm around. He said to Derrick, do you wanna walk now? Derrick stood up and walked. After doing some more basic movement tests Derrick walked out of the hospital bed. A second physical therapist was following Derrick with a walker and after half way down the large hallway on his floor she looked at me and said I feel like an idiot, with this and put the walker aside.
Derrick went into the gym, where he did everything the physical therapsit asked him to do. The physical therapist that had seen him earlier. Her mouth dropped when Derrick entered. She couldn't even focus on the other patient she had in there! When we walked back to Derrick's room all the nurses on the floor, well there mouths were wide open and were completely staring at Derrick. Silent.
Shortly after that Derrick saw another therpasit to see if he had "everyday function" they brought his to a mock kitchen where he fried an egg. The occupational therapist told Derrick she had seen us earlier praying for Derrick and she quoted scripture saying the scripture (my paraphrasing here) Where two or more are gathered God is in the midst!
We then got the discharge orders at 4:00 about 3 1/2 hours after God healed Derrick through prayer!!
When Derrick walked out of the hospital all the nurses started clapping and all the patients in the common area too. They had all just witnessed a miracle. God is REAL.
Words can't describe how in awe of God I am , I literally watched a miracle take place! Praise God. Praise God.
I am reposting this - so that you can see God's miracles still take place today!
Believe what you will about God. I will tell you that God is as real today as he was when the bible was written. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. With that said I will say either you believe that God is real or you don't. But if you believe that God is real then you believe that Jesus was the Son of God who came to earth and then died on the cross for our sins, he was risen from the dead and now sits on the right hand of our Father (God).
With that said I will tell you what occured today in our lives.
Derrick was in the hospital bed, pastor Jimmy, and a friend of ours Greg began to pray over Derrick. I don't know how long into praying it was but Derrick began to shake uncontrollably. Both sides of his body. His right and left arms and his right and left leg. Derrick said to us my arm is burning, it is hot. We kept praying. Again not sure how long it was, but I looked up at Derrick and his hand was raised up he was holding it up on his own. He couldn't do that earlier in the day. We kept praying and thanking God for Derrick's strength to return. Derrick kept shaking, and shaking. He told us he could feel his arm, really feel his arm it was not numb. We then all began to focus on Derrick's leg. Thanking God for the circulation to return, thanking God for full strength. He then bent his knee up! Again he could not do this earlier in the day!!! Kept thanking God and thanking God asking for full strength. When we stopped praying Derrick scooted himself up by his left leg, the one he couldn't feel earlier in the day. He now can feel his arm and leg! He was physically exhausted after this happened. Jimmy and Greg left, and Derrick rested for about a half hour. About an hour after we had all prayed Derrick was suppose to go to physical therapy for the second time today. He stood up and sat in a chair and waited for the physical therapist. When they came into the room. He asked Derrick some questions and just kind of looked at him, in disbelief. After having Derrick move his left arm around. He said to Derrick, do you wanna walk now? Derrick stood up and walked. After doing some more basic movement tests Derrick walked out of the hospital bed. A second physical therapist was following Derrick with a walker and after half way down the large hallway on his floor she looked at me and said I feel like an idiot, with this and put the walker aside.
Derrick went into the gym, where he did everything the physical therapsit asked him to do. The physical therapist that had seen him earlier. Her mouth dropped when Derrick entered. She couldn't even focus on the other patient she had in there! When we walked back to Derrick's room all the nurses on the floor, well there mouths were wide open and were completely staring at Derrick. Silent.
Shortly after that Derrick saw another therpasit to see if he had "everyday function" they brought his to a mock kitchen where he fried an egg. The occupational therapist told Derrick she had seen us earlier praying for Derrick and she quoted scripture saying the scripture (my paraphrasing here) Where two or more are gathered God is in the midst!
We then got the discharge orders at 4:00 about 3 1/2 hours after God healed Derrick through prayer!!
When Derrick walked out of the hospital all the nurses started clapping and all the patients in the common area too. They had all just witnessed a miracle. God is REAL.
Words can't describe how in awe of God I am , I literally watched a miracle take place! Praise God. Praise God.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Sunday Sunday Sunday!!
This Sunday my nephew will be the Co-Captain for the Seahawks. He gets to go out and meet all of the Seahwaks and he is the little kid that gets to go out for the coin toss before the game starts. Pretty excitting stuff for a kid or adult alike! I think the rest of the family is as excitted as he is... so if you are going to the game on Sunday - that is my nephew who will be grinning ear to ear and running to the center of the field to meet the other team and watch the coin toss up close and personal! That is all for now - Hope they show it on TV since all the seats are sold out for the game!
Monday, September 11, 2006

As I sit today and think about what happened 5 years ago today. I am in awe of God. I am in awe of God because in this horrible destruction that took place, there were people who were brought together. People helped one another, People made the choices, some made choices to live a better life. Some people made a choice to be angry at God, to say that He allowed this destruction to take place therefor they turned their backs to God. But the cool thing is, many people looked to God and renewed their relationships with Him. Through it all God was and is waiting with His Mercy and Grace. You just have to receive it. I have said this before; life brings us many choices. One decision can lead down a road of destruction and despair. Yet another can lead to a lifetime of fulfillment and happiness. Derrick likes to say all that we have was from a few good choices. I believe that is true. I am a new person in the way that I view things I always used to look at the world as 'half glass empty" now I look at the world in a new light of "half glass full" When you stop looking at the negative and look at things in a positive light, it gives you a whole new outlook on life. I still have some old thought patterns. But I am in the process of retraining my brain on the way to react to situations. "renewing the mind" if you will. As I started my training for the 1/2 marathon I thought I could never run 3 miles with out stopping. Well now I can, and in only a couple of weeks. I am on my way - but with a new attitude of "I can do this" as I run I say that to myself, "you can do this". I always tell my son John, You can do anything you put your mind too. Now when he says "I can't mama", I start him off with " You can do.... and he finishes with "Anything Mama!" Truly it is a mindset. So as I remember today the people that died. While I do still have anger - see previous post- I will look to the positive things. The sense of community the pride of a nation. The truimphs that have taken place, since 9/11/01.
Take a new look at life in a positive light!
Friday, September 08, 2006
You can do it at a trot... you can do it at a gallop ... you can do it real slow so your heart won't palpitate.... just don't be late.....
Doing the Puyallup!

This cow cracked us up, look at how little the girl was leading the cow around! It was just funny to watch.... and what is wrong with us watching them actually judge cows! you know we are from a hick town when you watch them judge cows!

Here is Derrick and the kids just starting out at the fair!
Cowboy up! What Fair would not be complete with out a RODEO! We got in to watch the last of the women's barrel racing and then the BULLS came up next! John was so excitted to watch the bulls. We watch them on TV almost every night - so to see them was great!
Up up and away - John was the only one on this fire truck!

Josie was too little to go on the rides this year... 32" instead of 36" so she just watched... isn't she cute though?

Jimmy Neutron was even at the Fair... John was happy to seee him. Josie wouldn't go near him.
Every year Auntie Margeret and I go to the opening day of the fair together... So here is Auntie M and John in line at the petting zoo. I don't hav ea picture of Troy Auntie M's son, but he is always there to lend a helping hand too!!
Thank you Auntie M and Troy we had fun! Shout out to Derrick's cousin Shannon, we saw her at the fair too... next year we will all go together!

Here is John petting a sheep at the petting zoo. No Josie wouldn't go into the petting zoo either... infact we made it to see the horses and then she wouldn't go into any barns at all... She would however pet the police dog, but not a bunny. Personally the police dog scares me more than the bunny but hey that is okay she still had fun!

This cow cracked us up, look at how little the girl was leading the cow around! It was just funny to watch.... and what is wrong with us watching them actually judge cows! you know we are from a hick town when you watch them judge cows!

Here is Derrick and the kids just starting out at the fair!

Josie was too little to go on the rides this year... 32" instead of 36" so she just watched... isn't she cute though?

Jimmy Neutron was even at the Fair... John was happy to seee him. Josie wouldn't go near him.

Thank you Auntie M and Troy we had fun! Shout out to Derrick's cousin Shannon, we saw her at the fair too... next year we will all go together!

Here is John petting a sheep at the petting zoo. No Josie wouldn't go into the petting zoo either... infact we made it to see the horses and then she wouldn't go into any barns at all... She would however pet the police dog, but not a bunny. Personally the police dog scares me more than the bunny but hey that is okay she still had fun!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Sept 11, 5 year Anniversary is Nearing... some thoughts
As the Anniversary of Sept. 11th nears I am finding myself thinking of many things. I am still angry when I see pictures of the WTC towers falling. I am heartbroken by seeing the pictures of the Pentagon on fire. But as the images are starting to be played on TV again I am torn between two main feelings. The first is anger and the second is greatfulness. The anger I feel it rages in me. As I listen watch the footage on the towers actually collapsing, or the plane stricking the second tower, I still get enraged with anger. You would think after 5 years that anger would subside. But for me it hasn't I am still so angry about someone killing Americans on our own soil. Not actually the fact it was on our own land, but the fact it was innocent people. I watched a program Sunday night on the WTC and then one on the Pentagon. I found out the one of the men that worked in the Pentagon, was in a meeting in another area when the plane hit. The man would have been in the blast zone and killed if it weren't for this random meeting that was called last minute. The kicker was the man later learned that the flight that hit the Pentagon carried on it his son. His son was going on an honors trip to California for school. Can you imagine finding out your child was on the plane that hit the building you worked in? That is enough to make me just cry thinking about it. I can't imagine. The second feeling I have is greatfulness. I am greatful for the people that got out of the WTC tower alive. There were 12 people that when the building collapsed were stuck in a pocket on the fourth floor and they survived! How excitting for all of them. Yet it makes you think, why were they saved? Why is the man alive yet his son perished? That is hard to deal with... I am going through that in my own life with Derrick. Why is he alive? He literally died and was brought back to life? Why was he healed? When so many others are not. I am so geatful he is alive... So so happy he was healed. But it does make you think about things. I believe those people survived and have a story to tell and a great life to lead. Does that mean that one will be the next world leader and that was the reason they were saved? Maybe not. However I believe each person is here for a reason. A purpose. A God given purpose and I am greatful to be a part of Derrick's life and be able to share in his life. I am happy for the people that got out of the towers. Who were rescued from the Pentagon. I am very greatful for the men and woman on flight 93 that they gave there lives so that others could be saved. I guess as I am writting out this, I am feeling that my greatfulness out weighs the anger I feel. I am greatful I can take a walk with my husband. We can go to the park and he can run and play with the kids. I am greatful that our life together was not cut short. I am happy that we have more time together. I am thankful that there are men and woman in the military fighting for our country and our freedom. I guess I can say I have many things to be thankful and greatful for this Sept. 11th as I remember the attacks that happened that day. I wonder, can I live my life in a way to impact others in a positive way? I sure hope so. I will keeping doing what I do... living each day one day at a time. Greatful for the things I have and the people that are in my life. Greatful of God's grace and mercy and always his healing power!
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